

Radionuclide ventriculography or radionuclide angiography is often referred to as a MUGA (multiple-gated acquisition) scan. 这是一种核成像测试. 这个扫描可以测量你的 射血分数, which shows how well your heart is functioning. 


Your health care professional may want to check how well your heart pumps blood. A MUGA scan helps your health care team learn more about why you may be having symptoms of poor or reduced heart function.

Your health care professional may use this scan if other tests, such as an electrocardiogram (心电图或心电图)表明你可能有心脏问题. It will show how much blood the heart pumps with each beat. Your heart may not be pumping enough blood to meet your body’s needs. 这叫做 心脏衰竭

在MUGA扫描期间, a small amount of a radioactive substance or tracer (called a radionuclide) is put into your blood. The tracer attaches to your red blood cells. A gamma camera takes pictures of your heart. This lets your health care team see the blood inside your heart’s pumping chambers (ventricles). The pictures are taken at the same time during each heartbeat (ECG-gated). 计算机分析这些图片. The pictures show if areas of your heart muscle aren’t contracting normally 和 show how well your heart pumps blood. These tests are often done while you’re resting 和 exercising. A exercise stress test gives your health care team a better idea of how well your heart h和les work. It helps them decide the kind 和 level of exercise right for you.


The radioactive substance you receive is safe for most people. Your body will get rid of it through your kidneys within about 24 hours. If you’re pregnant or think you might be pregnant, 或者如果你是一个哺乳的母亲, 不要做这个测试. 它可能会伤害你的孩子.


  • “静息”扫描, you may be asked avoid drinks containing alcohol or caffeine, 比如咖啡, 茶或软饮料, 考试前几个小时.
  • 做“运动”扫描, don’t eat or drink anything except water for four hours before your test. Wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothing 和 comfortable shoes. 
  • Your health care professional will explain any changes in your medicine  you may need to make to prepare for the scan.


  • Specially trained technicians usually perform the scan in hospitals or clinics.
  • During the scan, the technician places small metal disks (electrodes) on your chest, arms 和 legs. The disks have wires that hook to an electrocardiograph machine to record your ECG. The ECG tracks your heartbeat during the test. 
  • An intravenous line (IV) is put into a vein in your arm. You are given the radionuclide through the IV line. “静息”扫描, you will lie on a table with a special camera above it. The camera will take pictures of your heart while you’re resting. 
  • 做“运动”扫描, you will generally walk on a treadmill or ride a stationary bicycle until you reach your peak activity level. Then, you’ll stop 和 again lie on a table while the gamma camera takes pictures of your heart. In some labs you may lie on a table 和 pedal a specially mounted bicycle. As you pedal, the camera will take pictures of your heart. 
  • 测试需要一到两个小时. 


  • You can usually go back to your normal activities right away.
  • You should drink plenty of water to flush the radioactive material from your body.
  • The health care professional who sent you for the test will get a written report of the test results. Then, you will have an appointment to discuss the results 和 next steps. 

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